Vulgar Prohibited Content Products Photo and Services

What this policy means for you

What this policy means for you

Explicit content meant to be sexually gratifying is not allowed on Faverdeal. Posting pornography may result in content removal or Account Suspension . Photo Image containing fetish content will be removed or restricted. In most cases, violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are not allowed on Faverdeal

Explicit content meant to be sexually gratifying is not allowed on Faverdeal. Posting pornography may result in content removal or Account Suspension . Photo Image containing fetish content will be removed or restricted. In most cases, violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes are not allowed on Faverdeal

If you find content that violates this policy, report it. Instructions for reporting violations of our Company  Guidelines . If you've found a few Photo Image or comments that you would like to report.

Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that sexually exploits minors is not allowed on Faverdeal. We report content containing child sexual abuse imagery to the  who work with global law enforcement agencies.